


发布者: hyx112233 | 发布时间: 2018-3-27 17:23 | 查看数: 1496| 评论数: 0









【Range of exhibition】

Building materials, architectural hardware, construction metal materials, wood, construction cement products, adhesives, doors and windows, paints, wall materials, interior decoration materials, flooring, bricks, etc.; architectural lighting, plumbing equipment, valves, pumps, pipelines Equipment, garden tools, processing equipment, glass doors and windows machinery, electric and manual tools, special vehicles, transport equipment, water treatment and environmental protection: insulation insulation materials, water treatment technology and equipment, pure water equipment, fountains, civil energy, Industrial energy.

Air Conditioning and Refrigeration: Home Air Conditioning, Central Air Conditioning, Electric Fan, Air Treatment Equipment, Refrigeration and Cooling Equipment Air Conditioning, Refrigeration, Ventilation Equipment;

Cleaning and maintenance equipment: industrial cleaning equipment, household cleaning equipment, pipeline cleaning equipment, sanitation equipment, air purification equipment, environmental protection technology, maintenance equipment and cleaning products, security and protection systems, fire safety equipment; glass and materials, architectural glass, Furniture glass, decoration glass and various accessories, sanitary ceramics, sanitary ware, architectural ceramics, ceramics machinery products, etc.

Stone and mechanical equipment: all kinds of stone, floor tiles, tile cutters, polishing and manufacturing machinery.

Mining equipment, excavation equipment, loading equipment, transportation equipment, lifting equipment, blasting equipment, construction machinery, scrapers, transport vehicles (cranes, conveyor belts, underground loaders and trucks, electric locomotives for mines); underground mining technology, open air Pit technology; Auxiliary machinery and equipment (compressors, diesel generators, underground fuel dispensers, transfer equipment, rock crushers); mining equipment tools and equipment, hard metal tools, grinding machines, diamond tools; process equipment; drilling technology and Blasting materials; various types of construction machinery, mining machinery and technology; mine transportation and logistics equipment;

Mineral processing: broken grinding equipment, mining screening equipment, washing equipment, etc.;

Safety and environmental protection: ventilation equipment, dust removal equipment, protective equipment, etc.

Educational and research institutions: universities, research institutes, training institutions, media and publishers.


近年来,我国与埃塞俄比亚双边贸易,特别是我对埃塞出口呈持续快速增长趋势。 作为非洲第二大人口国和近年来经济增长最快的非洲国家之一,埃塞自中国的进口额连年增长的事实,使得埃塞成为我在非洲重要出口市场的潜力日益突出。2002 年以来,我国对埃塞出口呈持续高速发展态势,随着近几年埃塞吸引外资力度的加大和基础设施 建设的大规模开展,我在埃塞投资和承包工程项目增多,对其原材料和资本货物的出口大幅增长。近几年,我对埃塞出口的主要产品中,机动车辆、各种工程机械、原材料、五金建材占了很大比重。2014年6月27日,沃尔塔信息中心消息,埃塞公路局与中国中交集团(CCCC)签署协议,后者将在奥罗莫河地区承建一条长约 102 公里的公路。报道称,该项目共耗资25亿比尔,分两个阶段施工,预计 3 年内完工。

埃塞俄比亚位于非洲东北部,首都亚的斯亚贝巴,是非洲联盟(非盟)和联合国非洲经济委员会的总部所在地,埃塞由于其便利的商业环境和稳定的国家政府,正在成功的向一个区域商业中心转化。该国对 19 个东南非国家普遍降进口低关税甚至免税进口, 这将为 400 万人创造了潜在的商机。在产品非洲标准基础上,亚的斯亚贝巴不仅为本地还为海外商业伙伴提供更好的商业环境,这座城市的建筑业上蓬勃发展,如高层建筑物、大型购物中心等在越来越多的城市兴建,其中还有不少豪华服务及相关设备。

世行 2013 年发布的《非洲律动》称,在未来三年,撒哈拉以南的非洲国家平均经济增长速度将高于 5% , 这一数值将大大超越全球平均经济增长速度。 该报告称,2012 年约 1/4 的非洲国家增速超过 7%,其中,埃塞、塞拉利昂、尼日尔、利比里亚、布基纳法索和卢旺达等国的经济增速在全球居于领先地位。埃塞的 2013 年平价购买力 GDP(GDP PPP)已达到 1182 亿美元,GDP为473亿美元,居于非洲第7位,世界第 69 位,埃塞已经成为非洲第 7 大经济体。随着全球经济逐渐改善、商品价格持续上涨以及区域基础设施、贸易等方面的投资增加,非洲有较强的中期增长预期。北京宏联中企商务会展有限公司将携手expogroup为中国各企业提供埃塞的一条龙会展及商旅服务。建筑行业的各企业须抓紧商机落实参展事宜。





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上一篇:2018年土耳其矿业展会MINING TURKEY



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