


发布者: 上海源聚会展 | 发布时间: 2017-12-13 17:00 | 查看数: 906| 评论数: 0


英文名称:Apparel & Textile Sourcing Toronto


展览地点:加拿大多伦多国际展览中心(The International Centre)




支持机构:加拿大服装联盟(CAF)、多伦多旅游局、多伦多时尚和设计局、多伦多经济发展和文化局、多伦多时尚孵化基地、加拿大纺织服装设计院校、美国时尚设计商业学院、孟加拉和巴基斯坦纺织服装行业组织、加拿大当地商业贸易期刊、Info Canada、Info USA、Marketing Plus、CanadianMerchandiser、California Fashion News、Prweb.com、Retail Minded、Fashion Bureau Institute、SourcingJournal 等。

展品类别:展览按类别分服装区、家纺区和面料配饰区。包括:男女休闲装、户外服装、皮革服饰、居家服、牛仔裤、童装、职业装、各类家用和商用纺织品以及各类服饰配件等。鉴于加拿大市场消费水平较高,携带高质量产品参展将更有机会获得订单。据我海关统计,中国对加主要出类别包括:服装(裤子、毛衫、T 恤衫、大衣、连衣裙、衬衫、羽绒服)、家纺产品、服饰(帽子、袜子、手套)、面料(化学纤维机织物)等。

专业买家:预计到场专业观众数量在3300****** 人次,来自加拿大以及北美地区的业内公司高管、制造商、媒体、设计师、进口商、批发商、品牌商、百货商店、精品店/专门店、在线零售商、采购代理、采购集团、连锁店、经销商/代理商等。


市场优势:加拿大是全球最发达经济体之一,得益于较高的资源人口比和充分的社会福利保障,当地平均消费水准甚至高于美国。据《纽约时报》2014 年4 月报道,加拿大已超越美国,成为全球中产阶级收入最高的国家。2014 年,加拿大国内服装消费额近82 亿美元,较2013 年增长7.7%。

展览定位:长期以来,加拿大境内一直没有专业化的纺织服装类采购展,而在加拿大20 万中小专业买家中又仅有很少比例会前往国外观展采购,因而加拿大国内累积了大量对国外供应商的采购需求。此展即充分填补了加拿大国内没有专业化纺织服装类采购展会的市场空白。通过此项展览,中国服装纺织品供应商将有机会接触到来自加拿大和美国(尤其是东部地区)的优质买家;及时掌握加美两国最新服装纺织品流行趋势、采购需求和最新产业科技;尝试与加拿大业内企业商讨品牌授权、公司并购、品牌收购等投资机会,尤其是探讨如何合作开拓北京2022 年冬奥会商机。

Apparel Textile Sourcing Show (ATSC)

held in Canada, will be held from August 20-22 this year in Toronto. The fair will bring together apparel and textile manufacturers from all over the world.

Organizing this exhibition in Canada is significant as the North American country imports more than $$14 billion in apparel and textiles annually, up 20 per cent from 2012, according to Jason Prescott, organizer of the event.

Over 200 international exhibitors from China, India, Bangladesh, Mexico, US, Honduras, and Peru will be showcasing at ATSC. Thousands of Canadian SME s, retailers, manufacturers and designers are expected to attend the show.

“ATSC provides an unparalleled opportunity for Canadian apparel and textile importers and retailers to access the most current importing information from industry insiders and connect with the world's major apparel and textile manufacturers all under one roof, without having to incur the time or expense of traveling abroad,” said Prescott.

Three days of conference sessions led by acclaimed industry and government experts, covering topics from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and other trade agreements, to best practices and the changing Canadian market will be held at the event.

A “Made in Canada” section, featuring Canadian manufacturers who source apparel and textiles from abroad for their finished goods and Canadian designers who have their designs produced into finished products overseas will display at ATSC.

The trade event is being held in coordination with the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textile and Apparel (CCCT), and is supported by the Ottawa-based Canadian Apparel Federation (CAF), the Consulate General of China in Toronto, the Trade Office of Peru, and exporting agencies Pro Mexico and Pro Colombia. (HO)




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