


发布者: 66七七呀 | 发布时间: 2020-3-10 13:19 | 查看数: 328| 评论数: 0

深圳国际艺术博览会创办于 2012 年,是深圳首个大型原创艺术博览会。历经八年的培育与发展,深圳艺博会始终坚守初心,精准邀请来自世界各地的画廊、艺术机构,为这个城市带来多元化、国际性的艺术面貌。


市场开发方面,深圳国际艺术博览会将继续吹响 “Be A Collector”的口号,以亚洲收藏俱乐部 (ACC) 为后盾,联手更多商业合作伙伴,持续为艺博会邀请有实力的优质藏家,致力打造有学术高度及市场号召力的特色艺术博览会。

Founded in 2012, Shenzhen International Art Fair (short for SIAF) is the first original art fair in Shenzhen. For eight years, Shenzhen Art Fair has always adhered to its intention, carefully selecting art galleries from all over the world, to bring a diverse and international artistic outlook to this city.

The 9th Shenzhen International Art Fair will be held in Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center in November 2020. This year, SIAF will combine Shenzhen's unique market characteristics and bring innovative changes. The four units of Galleries, Art Plus, Art in Space and special theme exhibitions will go on the presentation of galleries and institutions at home and abroad, to explore the interaction between contemporary art and classic art, local and international, art and commerce, and art and city.

The cultivation of art consumption, the invitation of collectors, and the cooperation of commercial brands will be the key work of marketing. The concept of “Be A Collector” will be widely spread from our collectors base of Asia Collection Club, to more than 10 thousand entrepreneurs, cultural practitioners and art fans. In 2020 SIAF, we aim at unfolding a wider vision of art industry and a clearer market orientation.





The deadline for SIAF application is 31st August, 2020.

Applicants who successfully apply before 31st May 2020 could enjoy 40% discount.

画廊选粹 Galleries

本单元以国际性前瞻视野策划“当代艺术”、“当代水墨”、“经典呈现” 三大板块,展示多元的艺廊面貌。该板块面向国内外中坚艺术机构及新锐画廊,申请机构须有一定的运营经验,明确的学术定位和代理机制。

This unit is planned from an international perspective and comprised of three parts, including "contemporary art", "contemporary ink", and "classic art". It presents a variety of art galleries. Applicants are expected to be domestic and foreign art institutions and emerging galleries, who have a certain experience in gallery running, academic orientation and specific system of agency.

公共装置艺术 Art in Space


The Public & Installation Art has become an indispensable part of life with urban development. Public art not only provides ideas, but also includes education, ornamental, aesthetic functions, to offer examples of applicable art in our life. This unit will exhibit public sculptures, installations, images, behavioral and digital art, etc.

跨界艺+ Art Plus


Authorized prints, art derivatives, and original design are essential elements in this section. Meanwhile, SIAF introduces the application of technology, fashion, education and other industries to collaborate with art, to explore the social function and commercial potential in art.

主题特展 Special Units


Through diverse curatorial content and classified planning, we expect to further explore the inner connection of different elements in the art domain and to discover the value in between. This part focuses on specific themes about young artists, global artists, private museums, collectors’ choices, along with the annual core theme- Art for Home.


The uptodate effect of Coronavirus is yet compelling to each of us around many parts of the world. But what we have to do is to stay positive and be all set for a better tomorrow. The Committee of Shenzhen International Art Fair will stick to our passion and get ourselves well prepared for the fair in November. We are dedicated to providing you, the exhibitors, the collectors and all the art fans a more professional and effective platform for art dealing and communication.

参展申请垂询 Application

联系人 Contact:陈女士 Charissa Chen

手机 Tel:+86 1868******

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下一篇:第十届印度国际建筑建材展HBLF SHOW



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